NewsCompany News

Price increase notice

Dear Customer:

Due to the chain reaction caused by the epidemic, the prices of various raw materials fluctuate greatly, and all walks of life are deeply affected. For the electronics and semiconductor industries, chip production capacity is limited, and the supply of ICs is extremely insufficient. This shortage is expected to continue until 2022

Various factors have led to extremely high prices of raw materials, the company will adopt the following strategies to deal with market fluctuations:

  1. Validity of the offer

All quotations are valid only on the same day (China time)

Any orders that cannot be confirmed on the same day will be re-quoted.

  • IC selection

All regular orders only specify the IC level, not the IC model and brand. The level is based on the refresh rate of 4K or 2K. When there are special requirements, this will be discussed separately。

  • Delivery date

We will try our best to keep up with the delivery time. We will not artificially delay the delivery date, but we will not promise a delivery date.

Welcome all customers to come to consult and purchase!



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